Dallas Office

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Come Visit Us

Everest Stone Dallas Office

15565 Wright Brothers Drive, Addison Texas 75001

Our office in Addison is where we handle all logistics and paperwork, and where all of our employees office. Our slab inventory is located on Royal Lane at the Everest Stone Slab Yard.

Brad Smith – President

Fabricator Sales

Dallas, Waco/Temple

Walter Barthel – Sales (West)

Fabricator Sales

West Texas, New Mexico

Mike Membreno – Sales (Midwest)

Fabricator Sales

North East Tennnessee, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin.

Scotty Wilson – Sales (North)

Fabricator Sales

Ft Worth, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska

Jay Anani – Sales (East)

Fabricator Sales

East TX, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee

Edward Gutierrez – Sales (DFW Metro)

Fabricator Sales

Metro Dallas & Ft. Worth

Tony Velasco – Sales (South)

Fabricator Sales

Waco/Temple/Austin/San Antonio/Corpus Christi

Liz Velasco – Showroom Manager/Homeowner Viewings


Robert Sturdevant – Head of Importing/Logistics


Vimal Patel – Accounting & Customer Payments

General Accounting

Austin Sumner – Importing/Logistics
